
at Sacred Heart Catholic School

Parents, you're the driving force behind our school's success. Your contributions, whether it's organizing events, fundraising, or coaching, keep our community thriving. Your commitment and generosity are truly appreciated and set a great example for our students. Thanks for all you do!

Here are some ways you can help:

Playground Duty

Athletic Coach

Parties (setup & cleanup only)

Field Trips

Sacred Heart Catholic School has a rich tradition of family involvement in our school. Families are asked to give 20 hours of service to the school to help offset costs and thereby keep tuition as low as possible. The school’s very active PTO hosts various events and fundraisers throughout the year which afford numerous service hour opportunities.It is requested all families participate in fundraisers.

These fundraisers offset the cost of educating our children, providing new equipment in the classrooms, and supporting the students and school.

Please connect with our 2024-2025 PTO president, Mrs. Teresa Brock, at SHSPTO@shseagles.org.

Dance Chaperone

Spirit/Field Day

PTO Committee Responsibilities

PTO Sponsored Programs

Used Uniforms

PTO Fundraising Events

Special Event Committees

Special Event Item Donations with a value of $50 or more = 1 service hour

For the protection of all, a background check, including fingerprinting, is done for all volunteers and coaches. All volunteer chaperones must be 21 years of age or older. You must complete this training and your fingerprints cleared before you are permitted to volunteer at Sacred Heart Catholic Community!

Learn more